Sunday, 30 August 2015

srikar sripathi

              Bio-data :-
                              Name: - I am Sp.Srikar.
                                           Town:- Ghanpur (stn),

                       Education:-  1) completed S.S.C in the year 2011 with aggregate                                               77% Marks at 

School details:-

     C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\Desktop\images.jpgC:\Documents and Settings\All is well\Desktop\Copy of St. Thomas High School, Ghanpur, Warangal - Station Ghanpur.jpgC:\Documents and Settings\All is well\Desktop\photo.jpg          School logo                               school building      Principal sir K.C. john bunny
                           St. Thomas High School, Ghanpur, Warangal – 506143.

  2-1)Later completed Diploma in the year 2014 of Mechanical engineering branch with aggregate 70.32% marks.                           

            C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\vmr logo.JPEG   C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\vmr.jpg
               Collage logo                      collage building                      

            V.M.R Polytechnic College Rampur, Warangal, T.S-506151

           College Web site:-                  
                              C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\vmr priciple.jpg
                                 sir Principal V.Pradeep Kumar.
           Sir profile
           Name:- V.Pradeep Kumar,
            DOB:-  22-07-1959,
            Education Qualification:- B.E(ECE), MISTE, FIE,
       Working Experience:-
                                   Teaching about 26 years,
                                    Industry about 2 years,
             Award:- For Meritorious Accomplishments in diverse fields of activities that immensely contributed for the nation’s progress. By Global council Organization.

 2-2)And also in 6 months training period i completed it in  H.M.T Praga divion, C.I.E, Gandhinagar, Hyderabad-500037, T.S

C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\logo.pngC:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\praga.jpg
                HMT logo                                                   HMT Office building.

HMT web site:-
91-040-2307 3051(PBX) 91-040-2307 3026
91-040-2307 0061
Managing Director
Unit Chief
Ghanashyam Vijay, GM(P)
91-040-2307 3062
Sales Chief
Y.Srinivas, Manager(Sales)
91-040-2307 3026
      1. 1

Major Manufacturing Machines:-
Thread Rolling Machines :
C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\thre_rol.jpg

Pulley Forming Machine :
C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\puly_fom.jpg
Surface Grinding Machine :
C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\sur_gri1.jpg
Horizontal Machining Centre
C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\hor_mac.jpg
CNC Lathe :
C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\lathe.jpg
CNC Milling Machine :
C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\mil_mac.jpg
CNC Cutter and Tool Grinder :                                             

C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\cutter1.jpg

CNC Surface Grinder :

C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\sur_gri.jpg
C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\jaw3.jpgC:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\jawself.jpg
C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\jaw4.jpgC:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\jawself1.jpg

 3)Now studying B-tech 2nd year in same branch of college  
        C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\CJITS logo 2.pngC:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\cjits college photo 2.jpg      
                 College logo                                                college entrance                     C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\cjits college photo 1.jpg  
                                                          College building

                Christu Jyoti Institute of Technology & Science         
      Colombonagar,Yeshwanthapur,Jangaon, Telangana 506167
Collaege web site:-

                C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\cjits directer.jpg   
     College Director Sir Y.Papi Reddy                                        

About Our Director sir:-

CJITS is the College to engage students of uncommon promise in an intense full-time education of their minds, exploration of their creative faculties and development of their social and leadership abilities, in a four-year course of study and residence that concludes with a baccalaureate degree in the liberal arts.
To equip students with sound technical knowledge and skill.
To be a pioneer in Technical Education programmers and related services of the highest quality and standards of excellence to meet the demands of Industry and society at large.
To offer an educational program with a plethora of innovative concepts, for creating a host of talented professionals.
Foster an open student-oriented culture and perhaps even more important, an understanding of students, their needs, goals and aspirations.

1. Worked as principal and correspondent of Vidya Jyothi degree and PG college, Warangal.
2. Man with vision, commitment and hard work for the past 20 years.
3. Received best Lion’s club member award in 2007.
4. Member of Warangal Diocesan Society, fatimanagar, Warangal.
5. Rendered his valuable free services in the rural areas like veleru, kanchanapally, raghunathpally.
Voice Of Our Director   
                       Every institution has its own identity conducive to the acquisition of relevant knowledge and all round mental development. The most important characteristic of CJITS is not that it physically educates the young for professions but the intellectual preparation the students undergo to meet the forthcoming challenges inherent in their aspirations. It spares no efforts to foster the virtues of self-confidence, institutional pride and professional excellence.
                                                           The faculty of CJITS, consisting of an excellent panel of experienced persons, is ever ready to teach, help and guide the students along the road to achievements. Two gold medals and 8 university ranks secured bear witness to it.

C:\Documents and Settings\All is well\My Documents\cjits pricipal.jpg
college Principal sir                 Prof.Dr.JBV Subrahmanyam
About Principal sir
 Prof.Dr.JBV.Subrahmanyam Obtained Ph.D in Electrical &Electronics Engineering from JNTU-Hyderabad, ME from Jadavpur University-Kolkata and B.Tech from JNTU-kakinada. With two decades of rich experience in India and abroad in teaching, training, research, industry, projects and consultancy, he ensures that strong professional foundation is laid properly to the students and staff.

1. Diploma in Training & Development
2. Certificate of Merit from the prestigious ‘Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD)’ under Ministry of Human Resources, Govt. of India – New Delhi
3. UK-IRCA-IETE Certified ISO 9001:2000 Lead Auditor from Nigel Bauer Associates, UK
Certified ISO/IEC 17025 Laboratory Accreditation from ESCI (IEI), India
4. B.Tech from JNTUH, ME from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, PhD in Power Systems from JNTUH
5. Publications
a. International journal publications:41
b. National journal publications: 11
c. International conference publications: 9
d. National conference publications:35
e. Seminars/ workshops/symposia: 72
6. No.of PhD students guiding: 9
7. UGC API score : 1112
8. Industry/academic Trainings : 63
9. International R & D projects/consultancies: 4
10. International grants mobilized: $ 20000
11. National R & D projects/consultancies: 7
12. National grants mobilized :INR 35 lakhs
13. Energy Audits: 12
14. Research paper reviews: 32
15. Reviewer: Electric power components & systems international journal
16. Editorial Board Member: Asian journal of Engineering & Technology
17. Recognized research supervisor: JNTUH,JNTUK,JNTUA,KLU
Work Experience
He worked as professor, principal and Director-Training & Placements in reputed institutions in India and abroad and instrumental for the overall personality development, life skills development and for the successful career of the students and staff by motivating, encouraging, guiding and mentoring them in the right direction. He published 65 research papers in reputed international journals and 50 papers in international and national conferences & seminars.
He is an expert in condition monitoring of industrial equipment through modern diagnostic techniques. He implemented the latest GPS and GIS technologies in many power utilities in India successfully. He executed many international and national level technical projects effectively funded by Power Finance Corporation, Ministry of Power, Government of India, APDRP, DRUM, USAID and DFID-UK.

There are many memorable days in my school life.
I studied from 5Th to 10Th class in St. Thomas high school; we have school day celebration in every year by inviting Guest, school staff, parents, students and others. On that day we have many events like solo singing, group singing, solo dancing, group dancing, skits, and many more. It starts from evening 5:00pm to above 11:45pm.
Unforgettable movements are :-
In 7th class I participated in Group dance song named as (ha deva deva deva deva deva deva deva devuda of pokiri Movie Hero Mahesh babu) there by observing my dance
All said me good dancer.
Later, in 9th class I like to participate in solo dance but my friends said already registrations are closed
Then I requested to  sir, then sir said “No, registrations are closed” but you can participate in concept song (group song) and main character is your then I felt happy!. With the help of choreographer I prepared for the private album song named ( na chitty cheathulu chakani rathalu ).
Then the school day has been started and then I heard my name and my song name calling to perform dance on the stage it may be at 8:25pm I went and performed dance on the stage while I am  dancing all audience are involved in the song and they are in mercy  emotion ( in telugu andharu chusthu  munigipoyaru  concept lo) as the concept ( story) of the song is, as I am child my father is drinking person he need money so he left me as has slave labour( meaning is forced to work as a labor, a person who is owned by and has to serve another)  in rich person but I like studying and the total song is about how badly they treated the slave labour  for household working purpose and the main concept  is  under 18 years old children should study but not work for any reasons it’s a crime.
                   “ Every child should study, But not be a slave labour”      

As that every one clapped and given standing aviation for my acting the I received memento From chief guest, sir “P. David Raj police( C.I)” and my school principal sir  “K.C john bunny” later I heard that the program was live telecasted in my village, so all given good aspiration to me as “good actor” then I felt very happy so it became most unforgettable movement in my school life.

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